Breakdown 020

Curl up with Cait and Em for a *slightly* unhinged final episode of 2024. It's still all of your fav things: they daydream about projects for 2025, chit chat about their goals and histories, and have great recommendations. They're just a bit more silly. 

The biggest shocker for Em was hearing that Cait was on Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang. WHAT!!?? You'll have to tune in to hear the hilarious story.

Per usual, they cover a few of their favourite things that you may enjoy, and Cait gets Em very riled up by filling her in on some of the bonkers listicles that one conservative magazine shared. 

Grab your second cup of coffee and pull up a chair. It's time for a think and a laugh, and your weekly breakdown.


Email anytime with questions:


Breakdown 021


Breakdown 019